Climate Change: Science, Ethics, Pragmatic Action
Plumer, Brad. "Two Degrees: The World Set a Simple Goal for Climate Change. We're Likely to Miss It." Vox, April 22, 2017. How did climate experts and political leaders arrive at a goal of limiting global warming to two degrees? "We said that, at the very least, it would be better not to depart from the conditions under which our species developed," recalls Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, one of the scientists on that German advisory panel who helped devise the 2°C limit. "Otherwise we’d be pushing the whole climate system outside the range we’ve adapted to."
Plumer, Brad. "Scientists Made a Detailed Roadmap for Meeting the Paris Climate Goals. It's Eye Opening." Vox, March 24, 2017. What kinds of policies will it take to keep the global temperature rise below the two degree Celsius internationally agreed upon limit?
"Taking Action on Climate Change." USCCB Discussion Guide for Laudato Si, On Care for Our Common Home. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. What can each of us do personally to take action on climate change?