Educating for Pro Life

Micaiah Bilger, Education Director, Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation

     It was around the 40th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade when I was struck by how little Americans really know about abortion.  

     The media was abuzz with interviews and history about the abortion case, but it was two national polls that caught my eye. It wasn't the numbers themselves but the comparison of those numbers that really glared out at me. 

     According to the first poll from NBC/Wall Street Journal, 70 percent of Americans  do not want Roe v.Wade to be overturned. (source:

     But, according to the second poll from Gallup, 71 percent of Americans think abortion should be restricted in some or all circumstances. (source:

     The problem with the two polls is that the results contradict each other. If most Americans want restrictions on abortion, then most Americans don't support Roe v. Wade. What most people don't seem to understand is that Roe, along with its companion, Doe v. Bolton, struck down all abortion restrictions and allowed abortion for any reason through all nine months of pregnancy. 

     The contradiction of these polls told me that Americans just don't know what Roe v. Wade really did. It showed me how critically important it is that we educate the public about abortion. 

     We need to open people's eyes to the devastating results of Roe v. Wade: 56 million deaths and counting. These were babies whose hearts began beating at six weeks and whose own unique fingerprints were developed by 12 weeks. These were babies who were unique from the very moment of conception. 

     These 56 million include full-term babies, perfectly healthy babies, babies with cleft lips, babies with Down Syndrome, babies who were killed simply because they were girls, babies who were conceived at an inconvenient time, babies whose mothers wanted them but fathers didn't, babies whose fathers never even knew they existed. Because any reason is ok, according to Roe.

     Abortion in America has become a holocaust against preborn babies and their mothers. We need to spread the truth in our churches and our communities that every human life is sacred and deserves the same right to life. 


For additional writing from members and associates of the St. Gabriel Respect Life group, see below: