Genetic Modification
Dignitatis Personae on Human Genetic Manipulation. Summary by the Catholic News Agency
Doudna, Jennifer. We Can Now Edit Our DNA. But Let's Do it Wisely. Ted Talk. Nov. 12, 2015. Discoverer of the revolutionary CRISPR gene editing technology advises us to pause and consider the ethical issues involved in human genetic manipulation.
Plumer, Brad. "Scientists Can Now Genetically Engineer Humans. A Big New report Asks Whether We Should." Vox. February 17, 2017. Summary of the National Academy of Sciences' report, Human Genome Editing: Science, Ethics, and Governance.
Mindling, Fr. Daniel J. "Catholic Principles in Bioethics." Pro-Vita Institute 2016: The Bioethics of Life. Saint Patrick Church. Video. 23 June 2016. Learn to apply wise principles to bioethical decisions.