One Immigrant’s Story
In November of 1998, Salvation Army Major Eugene Nsingani and several other ministers were invited by the government to participate in what was purported to be a peace and reconciliation meeting. Eugene's son, Emmanuel, describes what happened next, and what inspired him to seek refuge in the United States.
Emmanuel is now a professional musician living in the Harrisburg, PA area. To hear his soul stirring music, visit here.
Catholic Social Teaching
United States Council of Catholic Bishops. Justice for Immigrants: We Are One Family Under God. Comprehensive and accessible summary of the teachings, action, and narratives of the Catholic bishops' outreach to immigrants.
Immigration Facts
Lind, Dara. "37 Maps That Explain How America is a Nation of Immigrants." Vox, February 7, 2017.
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The Economic and Fiscal Consequences of Immigration. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2017. (Abstract with link to full report.) Comprehensive analysis of the effects of immigration on the U.S. economy by a coalition of our nation's premiere research institutes. Key finding: "Immigration has an overall positive impact on long-run economic growth in the U.S."
How to Help
Catholic Charities of Harrisburg, Immigration and Refugee Services Catholic Charities assists immigrants and refugees with resettlement, legal services, and finding employment. All services are offered at no cost to the client.
United States Council of Catholic Bishops. Justice for Immigrants: We Are One Family Under God: Take Action. Understand the bishops' analysis of current legislation, and register to receive action alerts via e-mail. Learn principles of advocating for immigrants when meeting with legislators.