Milennials Respecting Life

Micaiah Bilger

My generation, the Millennial Generation, has been called the pro-life generation. If you look at the polls, we’re the age group (ages 18 to 29) that tends to be less religious and  more socially liberal. But when it comes to abortion, we remain pro-life.

 Perhaps it’s because so many in our generation are missing to abortion. Shockingly, one third of  our generation has been aborted. Millennials are missing brothers and sisters, cousins, neighbors, classmates, friends – all because of abortion. We know mothers and sisters, fathers and friends who are hurting because of an abortion in their past. We want the hurt, the desperation, the unnecessary killing to stop. 

 Our generation has been devastated by abortion, and we want to do everything we can to heal this gaping wound in our nation's value system. 

 But we face a lot of obstacles. Our colleges, our mainstream media, our laws, and our culture have taught us that abortion is ok. They've justified it and reasoned it as a “woman's right.” It's challenging for us as young people, because we don't have the same influence that these institutions do. 

 During the summer, a young woman approached me at one of our pro-life fair booths. She said she was pro-choice and wanted to know how pro-lifers could force a poor woman to have another child that she couldn’t afford. She meant to be compassionate, and our culture had told her that abortion was the compassionate answer for a woman in that situation. 

 I challenged her to think a little differently. I asked, “Isn’t the real issue here the finances? If a woman needs help financially, we should be helping her financially – not killing her baby.”  I could tell that she had never heard that perspective before. She walked away promising to think about what I said. 

 When young people speak the truth with compassion and conviction, people listen. In many cases, the truth has been hidden from their eyes, but we Millennials are raising our voices to counteract the lies and spread the truth that every human being deserves a right to life. 

There is hope in the Millennial generation. One day we believe the truth will prevail, and our culture will recognize the God-given sanctity of every single human life.


For additional writing from members and associates of the St. Gabriel Respect Life group, see below: