My Experience with Rachel's Vineyard Ministry 

Lori Peters

Did you know that one in three women by the age of 45 will have had an abortion? 1 That’s right – the person next to you at church, your job or a store may have had an abortion. 

Now, consider anyone who may have been involved in that abortion decision - a parent, grandparent, sibling, or friend. The ripple effect of one decision is enormous, and it doesn’t include the countless abortion providers and their staff. A lot of people have been affected by abortion and many do not know how to cope with their decision. 

What does one do with all the emotions surrounding abortion? For a while, a person may be able to repress feelings and continue to live as if nothing happened. But, the body is successful in repression for only so long. Adverse effects can and do occur, and the person begins to experience Post Abortion Stress Syndrome, which is very similar to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Without help, the suffering person will live life on a downward spiral. 

But there is help, and it comes in the form of Rachel’s Vineyard Ministry, a Priests for Life-coordinated healing program for anyone living in the aftermath of abortion. As Rachel’s Vineyard volunteer, I’ve witnessed the agony, sorrow and tremendous guilt the retreatants have suffered. I also gained an incredible understanding of God’s mercy and healing. 

Over a weekend, the retreatants meet as a group. Led by someone who has had an abortion, a team of counselors, clergy and support volunteers helps the retreatants through several biblically-based exercises, discussions and prayer. In a beautiful display of God’s handiwork, the sad, downcast expressions of Friday night turn into joyful, peaceful faces Sunday morning. While the weekend is not meant to be a cure-all, it helps to begin the journey to lasting healing, peace and hope. 

No other volunteer experience I’ve had can compare to this. I often wonder who received the greater blessing – the retreatants or the team. It is a true testament to the power of God’s love. What He is able to do in a mere 48 hours is nothing short of miraculous!

Retreats are held quarterly, depending on the region. For more information about this wonderful ministry, visit .

1 Guttmacher Institute, 2012.


For additional writing from members and associates of the St. Gabriel Respect Life group, see below: