Spreading the Pro-Life Message

Erin Scanlon

Grade 11

Many people believe that there is nothing wrong with abortion. That is incorrect. They say that it is a woman's right and choice. It is not just her choice though, as she has a living baby inside of her. She shouldn't be able to just kill it. The baby has the same right to live that she has. Having an abortion can lead to future children being born premature. Sometimes women who previously had an abortion cannot conceive ever again. Unfortunately, many woman are heavily pressured into getting an abortion, either by their boyfriend or, sometimes, even by family members. Even though the baby belongs to her, it belongs to God as well. Although abortion is seen as a quick fix, it is immoral and generally leaves the mother heartbroken.

In schools, the popular thing is to be pro­choice. However, there is an organization that is trying to change that. It is called The Center For Bio­Ethical Reform (CBR). CBR is trying to teach high school students that being pro­ choice is morally and ethically wrong. Being pro ­life isright and okay. Actually, they have a program called Operation School Choice. The program is used to educate teens on the horrible facts of abortion. One thing that most teens don't know is that one third of teen pregnancies end in abortion. Another sad fact is that twenty percent of abortions are performed on teens. The volunteers who help with Operation School Choice stand at the entrances of schools holding graphic posters. The reason they go to high schools is to inform students before they go off to college, where being pro ­life is openly ridiculed. On the posters that the volunteers hold, there are somewhat disturbing graphic images of abortion printed on them. Using these graphic posters, the volunteers are trying to stop abortion for good. Although it seems a little extreme to show such graphic images, the people at CBR have found that it is the most effective way to spread the pro­life message. Hopefully, this will help prevent people from becoming pro­ choice.

Another reason pro­choice people think abortion is okay is because of rape. In fact though, less than one percent of abortions are preformed on rape victims. This is a rather shocking statistic. When a woman aborts her child that she conceived because of rape, she is basically being a victim twice. Aborting her child doesn't remove the the memory of the rape, it doesn't help her either, it just makes her heart ache even more. A man named David Reardon conducted a survey to see if women who were raped and became pregnant because of it were happy with their choice, either abortion or delivering their baby. When asked, the women who carried full term, replied that they were genuinely happy with their choice. Unlike the women who carried full term, ninety percent of woman who aborted their children of rape said that they were not happy with their choice. Thoughtfully, they advise other people not to do as they did. Overall, abortion, even when it is because of rape, is wrong, and leaves psychological scars.

Unborn babies are not given the same respect as toddlers, or even newborn babies, purely because of the fact that they cannot sustain life outside of the womb. Even though the baby inside of the womb cannot survive without its mother, it is still as much a human as anyone else. A baby inside of the womb has a heartbeat just eighteen days after conception and the baby has fingerprints at only fourteen weeks gestation. It has human DNA and the same potential to become someone great, just like a toddler. When it is really thought through, it makes no sense why they don't have the same rights. Many people think that the government shouldn't be able to take away the woman's reproductive choices. However, they shouldn't be able to legalize murder. When people are allowed to kill one human being, what's to stop them from killing another?

It is easy to see that many people are pro ­choice and many people are pro ­life. The right choice though, is pro ­life. Some people think that abortion in certain condition, such as rape is okay, but it is not. Thankfully, there are groups like CBR trying to spread the truth of the pro life movement. Some methods that are used to spread this message may seem harsh, but most people don't even know about the harsh realities of abortion. Of all the ways to spread the pro ­life message this seems to be the most effective.