Top Ten Pro-Life Readings for Your Library

We advance the cause the pro-life cause in many ways: helping the needy and infirm, assisting the elderly, helping a mother nurture her child, praying, or working to eliminate abortion. To be successful we must educate ourselves about the principles that underlie pro-life. Every dynamic Catholic should know how to promote that value. Below are 10 suggestions for your library. Prominent are Catholic philosophers Francis Beckwith of Baylor University and Peter Kreeft of Boston College. All the items are listed on the topical pages of our website (Philosophy, Theology, Science, etc.).

1. Francis Beckwith, Defending Life: A Moral and Legal Case Against Abortion Choice, Cambridge University Press. Perhaps the most persuasive book in defense of human life. Presents logical, non-theological, arguments to counter abortion. This approach gives us a great advantage in debating people who reject religious arguments.*

2. Carl Olsen, “The Case against Moral Relativism: An Interview with Philosophy Professor Francis Beckwith,” IgnatiusInsight, Beckwith summarizes his ideas for refuting the pro-abortion argument.

3. Peter Kreeft, “Pro-Life Philosophy," (Audio) Kreeft presents an engaging, eloquent and logical approach to pro-life.

4. Peter Kreeft, “A Refutation of Moral Relativism,” (Audio) Kreeft teaches how to logically defend against moral relativism, which is the notion that there is no objective moral truth. 

5. Randy Alcorn, Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments, Multmonah Books. Handy question and answer format book shows the logic of pro-life.*

6. Pope John Paul II, “Evangelium Vitae,” Encyclical,“On the Value and Inviolability of Human Life.” Vatican, 1995. The Gospel of life is at the heart of Jesus’s message.

7. Bernard Nathanson, The Hand of God: A Journey from Death to Life by an Abortion Doctor Who Changed His Mind, Regnery. Nathanson was the doctor who performed thousands of abortions.*

8. Maureen L. Condic, “Confusions about Totipotency: Stem Cells Are Not Embryos,”Public Discourse, March 2014. Deals with stem cell research.

9. US Conference of Catholic Bishops, “To Live Each Day with Dignity: A Statement on Physician Assisted Suicide,” 

10. Theresa Burke and David Reardon, Forbidden Grief: The Unspoken Truth of Abortion, Acorn Books. A powerful book about how to help post-abortive women.*

* Available for borrowing at the St. Gabriel’s Ministry library collection at the parish Library on East Pomfret. Check out our growing collection of books and DVDs.


For additional writing from members and associates of the St. Gabriel Respect Life group, see below: